5 Ways To Boost Your Mental Health

5 Ways To Boost Your Mental Health

Mental health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10th, and as our understanding of mental health grows, we grow along with it.

Feeling good about yourself and about others is very important if you want to stay happy and healthy. For this, you need to make sure you focus on your mental health, despite any difficulties that you might be facing. So, why not try these five simple strategies to improve your mental health and happiness?

  1. Taking care of your physical health. Since your physical and mental health are connected, it’s important to incorporate some type of physical activity into your daily routine. Being physically active can reduce feelings of stress and improve your mood. Activities like walking, jogging, yoga, and biking are examples of impactful activities that can be woven into your daily schedule. Taking care of your physical health also means practicing good eating habits. Good nutrition will help you feel better physically and can also support your mood and decrease stress. Also, not having enough of certain nutrients may contribute to some emotional challenges. Eating a well-balanced diet can help you to get the nutrients you need. In addition, Biochem’s high-quality 100% Plant Proteins can help support your stress-reducing workouts by aiding muscle recovery.
  2. Practicing gratitude. Feelings of gratitude are directly related to your mental health and happiness. According to the National Institute of Health, “taking the time to feel gratitude may improve your emotional well-being by helping you cope with stress.” It's helpful to practice every day, by keeping a gratitude journal or writing a daily gratitude list. These can be monumental joys such as the support you receive from loved ones, or minor joys, such as enjoying a delectable meal. It's important to allow yourself a moment to enjoy that you had a positive experience. Practicing gratitude may help you to see your life differently. For example, when you are stressed, you may not notice that there are also moments when you have some positive emotions. Gratitude can help you to recognize them.
  3. Get enough sleep. Your sleeping pattern and mental health are intrinsically linked. Getting adequate zzz's enhances mood, memory, alertness, productivity, even creativity. The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep every night for optimal health. Staying sleep-deprived for long periods of time may lead to a host of health problems including, mental fatigue, weight gain and may weaken the immune system. Bottom Line: Resolve to sleep for at least seven hours daily. If you have trouble falling asleep, check out Harvard University’s tips on how to sleep better. So, it's important to make sure that you have a regular sleep schedule and get enough quality sleep every night.
  4. Immerse yourself in nature. Whether you go for a hike, long walk, or forest bathing, spending time outdoors can be very beneficial for your mental well-being. Engaging with nature lowers stress and anxiety, elevates mood, enhances self-esteem, stimulates creativity, and improves working memory. Research cited by the University of Michigan suggests that even activities like gardening may promote relaxation and reduce cortisol levels in your body. These are stress markers that make us feel more anxious and stressed over certain situations. When we spend time outdoors, our bodies release less cortisol and more natural endorphins, which promote happy thoughts and good feelings.
  5. Connecting with others. Humans are social creatures, and it's important to have strong, healthy relationships with others. Psychology Today cites a study on social connectedness that concludes “friendship and, indeed, a wide range of social connections, weak and strong, which require time, support, tolerance, loyalty, and reciprocity are, it turns out, conducive to physical as well as mental health.” Having good social support can help protect you against the harms of stress. It is also good to have different types of connections. Besides connecting with family and friends, you could find ways to get involved with your community or neighborhood. For example, you could volunteer for a local organization or join a group that is focused on a hobby you enjoy. Stay connected with others to stay connected to yourself.
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