Frequently Asked Questions

All our whey protein isolate and concentrate is made in the USA from grass-fed cows sourced in the USA.

Yes. All our protein powders are free of artificial hormones, including rBST and rBGH†

Our whey protein, as well as our plant protein, is certified vegetarian by the AVA, the American Vegetarian Association. The AVA certification program requires applicants to submit the package, or menu, complete with all ingredients of the product(s) to be certified. You can learn more about the AVA at

Our W and W+ line use whey protein isolate. Whey protein undergoes ultrafiltration and microfiltration, which removes fats and lactose (carbs) so it has 20 grams of pure whey protein per serving and is fast absorbing.* Our organic whey products use whey protein concentrate. To make the concentrate, the non-protein components of liquid whey are removed. It is then dried into powder providing 20 grams of easily absorbed protein per serving.*

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Every cell in our bodies — including muscles, hair, bones and skin — use amino acids. There are nine essential amino acids (Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, and Histidine) that our bodies need for basic health. Our bodies can’t make those amino acids, so we get them from other sources. When that source contains all nine in ample quantities, it is a complete protein. The other amino acids are called non-essential, and our bodies can produce them. These non-essential amino acids help our bodies with metabolism and promoting healthy body tissue. We can increase our non-essential amino acids intake to boost what our bodies can make. All Biochem proteins, including plant and vegan protein, contain all nine essential amino acids. Biochem contains the 18 naturally occurring amino acids in whey protein, including the three branch-chain amino acids; Isoleucine, Leucine, and Valine.

All our products are manufactured in the USA giving credits to wind power. Biochem also won #1 Workplace for Midsize companies on Long Island. See more about this award on the Country Life Vitamins website.

We use a sweetening ingredient, rebaudioside-A. It’s one of several extract of the stevia leaf that is sweet, and is considered the best tasting. Since it is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, a very small amount sweetens our products with essentially no caloric increase. We also use monk fruit to sweeten our Hydro and Beet sports products.

We are very concerned about the possibility of heavy metal contamination. We test every product and ingredient for impurities and only the purest materials are accepted. In fact, our parent company Country Life has implemented more robust heavy metal analysis than is required by USP (United States Pharmacopeia). Country Life maintains state of the art analytical equipment in our laboratory to accurately test potency and to identify our raw materials and finished goods, using the most accurate and advanced instruments. Lead, arsenic and cadmium are tested in house, and a third party tests for mercury.

All our products, from whey protein to vegan protein to functional enhancers, are certified gluten-free and contain no GMOs.

Yes, the packaging components are recyclable. To further support sustainability, we replaced all lights with LED lights.