Mango Ginger Smoothie Bowl

Mango Ginger Smoothie Bowl

This post is sponsored by Biochem.

Smoothie bowl season is in full swing over here! With warmer temperatures, I’ve been craving my favorite chilly breakfast recipes. I love how smoothie bowls are a great way to get in lots of great nutrients at the start of the day and it makes me feel energized to take on the day!

mango ginger smoothie bowl

Today I’m sharing a mango ginger smoothie bowl recipe that will have you feeling like a rockstar thanks to the wholesome ingredients inside! Plus, look at that gorgeous color? It’s amazing what a few handfuls of spinach can do! I’m going to give you plenty of options for toppings so even if you don’t have what’s pictured above, you can still make this meal!

I love smoothie bowls for breakfast but this bowl is hearty enough to be eaten at any meal! You can even add extra toppings to make this bowl even more filling! This smoothie bowl is so thick, you’ll have to eat it with a spoon! I always feel more satisfied when I’ve enjoyed a smoothie bowl with a spoon rather than sipping on a drink through a straw. Maybe that’s just me?

For this recipe, I’m using Biochem’s Plant+ line of protein powder which is vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free. I don’t always use protein powder in my smoothies but when I do, I prefer to use plant-based ingredients. Some vegan protein powders can be gritty but this one blended nicely into a smoothie. Plus, one serving has 20g of protein which means you’ll feel satisfied and energized all morning!

mango ginger smoothie bowl

The mango adds a nice bit of sweetness to this smoothie so it doesn’t require any added sweetener or sugars. I like using frozen mango because it makes the smoothie thicker when blended. You can find frozen mango in most grocery stores near the frozen berries!

frozen mango

Be sure to use fresh ginger in this recipe, as dried, powdered ginger doesn’t have the same flavor. If you don’t have any on hand, you can leave it out and simply make a mango smoothie bowl. But if you love ginger as I do, you’ll enjoy the spicy kick that it gives this smoothie bowl!

mango ginger smoothie bowl


  • 1⁄2 cup almond milk (plus more if needed)
  • 1 cup spinach, loosely packed
  • 1⁄2 scoop Biochem protein powder
  • 1 cup mango chunks, frozen
  • 1 banana, divided
  • 1⁄4–1⁄2 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds


  1. Add the almond milk, protein powder, and spinach to the blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Add the mango, 1⁄2 banana, and ginger and continue to blend until completely smooth.
  3. Chop the remaining banana into thin slices.
  4. Top the smoothie bowl with banana slices, coconut, and chia seeds.

Don’t have enough banana? All out of chia seeds? Here are some additional topping ideas so you can make your bowl extra filling with plenty of crunch and texture!

Additional smoothie bowl topping ideas

  • Try swapping chia seeds for hemp seeds. They’re still a protein-packed way to add a little texture on top!
  • Try sliced strawberries in place of banana. It adds a nice subtle sweetness to the bowl!
  • Not a fan of coconut? Use sliced almonds instead! They add a delicious crunch!
  • You can also top your both with granola, just be sure to check the sugar content of any packaged granola.

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