Protein Packed Mini Blueberry Espresso Pancakes

Protein Packed Mini Blueberry Espresso Pancakes

No more hangry mornings! Start your day off right with these protein packed mini blueberry espresso pancakes.

When I was younger, I never ate breakfast. Growing up, I didn’t like eating (gasp!) and breakfast was one of my most hated meals. So, as I got older and could get away with it, I skipped breakfast on the regular. I remember being in college, waking up at the very last minute, getting to school in a rush, then practically begging my growling stomach to stop making noises during my 8am lecture. After that first class, I would grab a coffee (more sugar and cream than coffee) and a giant cinnamon bun. I lived for those cinnamon buns. They were sweet and gooey and had a combination of crusty caramelized edges and fluffy insides. They were heaven. But the thing is, even after eating a giant bun, I’d still be hungry.

The thing about me that I didn’t realize until fairly recently is when I’m hungry, it means it’s too late. I don’t get hungry gradually the way a regular person does. I get hungry all at once and very quickly the hungry feeling turns to hangry. This used to happen all the time. I’d wake up in the morning (and for some reason I used to think I was a morning person) and skip breakfast and it would be hello mood swings. It wasn’t until Mike started gently suggesting breakfast that I started to consider breakfast a necessity.

Protein Packed Mini Blueberry Espresso Pancakes |

Protein Packed Mini Blueberry Espresso Pancakes |

What a HUGE difference! Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. I did a little research into it, and found that a breakfast full of protein is best because it keeps you full and less likely to start snacking right after eating a full meal. I’m totally guilty of that and now that I’m older and don’t have the metabolism of a college kid, I definitely don’t need the extra mindless calories. Making sure I eat breakfast (with a lot of protein) makes me happier and healthier.

The only annoying thing about getting a lot of protein at breakfast is making sure there’s protein in the house. We always have eggs, but sometimes I want something other than just eggs. Sometimes I feel like something sweet, but still packed with protein. Enter: protein powder! Especially Biochem Whey+ Protein Powders. They’re dual action protein powders that include protein from grass-fed protein sources and bonus isolates like caffeine, collagen, and turmeric.

Protein Packed Mini Blueberry Espresso Pancakes |

Protein Packed Mini Blueberry Espresso Pancakes |

Because I’m doing the protein thing at breakfast, the Whey Protein Isolate + Energy is my powder of choice. Each scoop of powder has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, which is perfect at breakfast time. I’ve been putting a scoop in my blueberry pancakes and I’ve been loving the boost of energy. The protein keeps me full and the caffeine helps promote thermogenesis which helps burn more calories. It’s essentially a win-win-win situation. These protein packed mini blueberry espresso pancakes are my morning hero!

I’ve felt such a huge difference in my moods since incorporating protein powder into my breakfast routine. No more hangry monster and I don’t feel starving right after eating. These pancakes are packed full of blueberries and the hint of coffee goes perfectly.

Protein Packed Mini Blueberry Espresso Pancakes |

Protein Packed Mini Blueberry Espresso Pancakes

Makes 40 mini pancakes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 scoop Biochem Whey Protein Isolate + Energy Powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 2 cups fresh blueberries, plus extra to serve
  • oil or cooking spray for the pan

In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, Biochem Whey Protein Isolate + Energy powder, baking powder, baking soda, and sugar. In a small bowl, whisk the egg into the buttermilk. Add the wet ingredients to the flour mixture and gently combine with a fork. Do not over mix, lumps are okay. Let the batter sit for 10 minutes some moisture works its way into the lumps, then stir in the blueberries.

Heat up a non-stick pan over medium-low heat. Brush a thin layer oil or lightly spray with cooking oil. Drop the batter by the tablespoon (if you have a small cookie scoop, that works great) into the pan and cook until small bubbles form on the surface and at the edges. The pancakes should be golden brown. Flip and continue cooking for 1-2 minutes, or until golden brown. Enjoy warm, with and extra blueberries if desired.

For more detailed product information, please click here: W+ Joint

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